Saturday, 2 February 2019

Netflix's New Series 'Russian Doll' Is About Dying, And It's Amazing.

Russian Doll Movie Poster

Netflix's newest show Russian Doll has just hit the screens- and if I can give you any reason to watch it whatsoever, it's a real mind-twister concerning death and life alike. Before I get all philosophical, you should know that Nicky Nichols from Orange is the New Black is the star here. If you've missed her from past seasons, she is alive to explore in this show if you want more of her raspy, sardonic humor (I know I do.)

Natasha Lyonne stars as Nadia.

The show opens with main character Nadia staring into the mirror of a glowing, half-lit door of a bathroom. She goes by as Nadia, a 36 year old woman celebrating her own birthday which her friends threw for her. It feels like a normal night, until she leaves the party to hook up with a stranger and search for her cat. Spotting him across the road, she dashes without thinking and gets hit by an oncoming car speeding on the road. Instant death.

Then she's instantly in the same bathroom staring in the same mirror wondering what the hell happened; until it's clear that something weird is happening because she keeps dying and resurrecting at the same spot.

russian doll netflix
That infamous bathroom, again.

It becomes clear later that she can't progress forward until she clears some of the emotional roadblocks perpetuating her lifestyle of drugs and self-destruction. I grew more invested in the character, if not the actress herself, as I watched her make both questionable errors and deeply moving acts as she started to consider that her actions hurt other people too, and take living more seriously. 
Through several flashbacks we see her past trauma and it develops to take her character further. It isn't till Episode 3 that we start seeing her grasping hold of her demons and determined to fight through the anger and self-hatred inflicted from her past. Her deaths range from absurdly hilarious to poignantly tragic as we see her dying in front of her friends, family, each one cutting closer to the heart than the last. She becomes more desperate to escape, sensing that she is running out of time.

Nadia's deaths become less erratic and more symbolic as the series progresses.

Her resurrections have not been in vain, as she manages to re-route several what-would-be nasty situations out of the tension and start greeting her life with joy, acknowledging the pain that was before and helping another similar soul bear with his own pain-filled cocktail.

There isn't really a specific genre to wrap this show up as it had its own complex blend of dark, snarky humor, with a mix of sci-fi in the earlier episodes that escalated to pure drama all the way to the end. Bordering a bit of supernatural, maybe. But i'm glad they didn't go that way in this show. Even if it's guilty of carrying the biggest plot hole ever they really cut to the crux in forcing oneself to ask life's biggest questions; then only can you begin to heal.

Streaming for only 8 episodes with one season so far, Russian Doll has already proved itself to be binge-worthy climax that will pull you back for another rewatch for sure if not just to catch the clues referenced from later episodes. 

So I'd definitely highly recommend it, words can't explain how amazing it is. Story-wise and emotionally-charged. Just prepare to have, you know, your mind fucked with for a bit. Take it as your own personal high.

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